Monday, April 22, 2013

A House Divided....

Ok, yeah, it's been a while.... Life is busy.

I called in sick to work today. No, I am not sick by your normal definition. But, man did I need a day! I'm calling this my mental health day. And I think it qualifies in the sick department. My mind had reached its max, my stress level was at the boiling point. If I didn't get just one day to myself I was going to lose it. And that, is not pretty.

I think that's a problem we have in our society. We are always on the go, move move move. Trying to prove our worth by what we produce or how much we get done. And then there's the other half of society that demands things be given to them, that demands the same luxuries and rights as the productive part of society. So we live in a nation where half of us are working ourselves into the ground and the other half is soaking up the fruits of our labor. What happens when we wear ourselves out? What happens when there isn't time for a mental health day (or obamacare doesn't allow us one) and we all crumble from exhaustion? Will the other half start working? I'm thinking no, because it's a monster we (our government) has created and perpetuated. Most people of a welfare mentality are that way because it's all they know. They haven't been educated that there are other ways to live. It's a generational thing. The pattern one knows is the pattern one knows. We don't need more welfare, or a socialized health care system. That is not love. That's throwing money or policies at a problem so you don't have to get your hands dirty. If we really love needy people, then we need to be willing to go in and get our hands dirty and show them, educate them. Then again, if I had a government willing to give me everything I wanted, I probably wouldn't want to learn the value of work or the options of school and jobs I had either.

Then again, I would. Because that's what I've learned generationally. Work. Work until you are bone tired, then go to bed and wake up and do it all over again.

Where's the balance? Why can't we work and have time to enjoy the fruits of our labor? Why do I have to call in sick because my job doesn't allow me the space to recuperate mentally and emotionally? Why is half our country working 80 hour weeks and the other half is buying big screen TV's with their welfare checks.

Now, I realize I am generalizing pretty significantly here. But my point still remains. Our society is perpetuating two very different ideals of living, and those two ideals are in complete contradiction. And eventually, it will wear out one half and leave the other half helpless because they never learned how to work for themselves. And then where will our society be?

I'd say, ripe for the picking for whatever the next world superpower will be. China?

I'm tired. So, I'm trying to find balance. I'm taking a day for me. But it's noon and I've already vacuumed and dusted the whole house, deep cleaned the kitchen, done the dishes, done two loads of laundry, cooked and wrapped a present. The message of work is deeply ingrained. But my hammock is up and I'm about to go lay in it and read a pointless magazine. And then I will go work out. It's all about balance. And our country is in deep need of it.

So am I.
