Friday, May 10, 2013

God is Good, Even When I Don't Understand....

And tonight I don't understand.

Tonight I'm very brutally reminded of why I do what I do. Life is short. Life is precious. And we all deserve every opportunity to live that life with as much possibility as possible. I fight and struggle for and with those who can't fight for themselves, or who don't believe they are worth fighting for. And no matter how tired I get, I won't stop. Because the fight is important.

But tonight, the word fight feels too harsh.

What it really is, is LOVE. I love kids who can't love themselves or who don't believe they are worth loving. I show them Jesus and His perfect love by trying to let them see themselves from His eyes, and not the world's.

And of course, loving someone makes it all the harder when things don't end the way you hope and pray. When a life is taken long before it was supposed to be.

But the pain is worth it. Because if someone gets the chance to be loved, to them it really doesn't matter for how long.

My heart is heavy. And I don't understand.

But God is good.

So, if you love someone, tell them. If amends are needed, make them. If you need help, ask for it. If you have a passion, follow it.

Because we really aren't guaranteed tomorrow.

There's an 18 year old boy who found that out today. And I don't understand why. But God is good, so I will keep loving. I hope you will too.
